Everett’s birth  Feb 28, 2013


I was about a week over due when I went into labor early Wednesday morning. By 10pm Wednesday night the contractions were getting more intense and closer together. Ty called the midwives, they arrived around 10:30 and after checking me met me know that his head was extremely low, but I was only about 1 cm dilated. Ty and I were a bit disheartened! After giving me my antibiotic IV for GBS, they left and asked us to call when we felt things had changed.

Around midnight my water broke and we noticed it was a greenish color. We called the midwives and planned to meet them at Foothills due the meconium my fluids. My contractions were super intense by now  and around 2:00am we were given a triage room at Foothills and I was hooked up to the monitor to see how Everett was doing – we were relieved to see he was very happy and his heartbeat was strong. Our midwife, Jeannette checked me and I was 4cm dilated, another frustration! At 3:00am we were moved to a much more comfortable labor and delivery room. After weathering a few contractions I told Jeannette that I was fighting a really strong urge to push. I could hear skepticism in her voice when she told me to listen to my body – she then checked me and I was almost 10cm dilated with a small cervical lip. Hooray!!  We couldn’t believe how fast it all happened! Around 4:00 I began to push and at 5:29 Everett was born. He is adorable and came out with a powerful cry and then snuggled on my chest. Ty announced his gender, we were so excited – the whole time we had suspected he was a girl! Ty and Everett got tons of bonding time while the midwives stitched my minor tear. By 8:45 am we were at home in bed reveling in our experience!

Although we were disappointed that we weren’t able to birth at home, as believe everything happens for a reason, and our experience at Foothills was lovely. The midwives were amazing and Ty was an incredible partner. We couldn’t be happier!!

Erin, Ty and Everett!

Welcome Everett – Hospital birth with Midwives
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