Sue MacGregor
Certified Personal Trainer & Holistic Nutritionist
I am happy to share with you my story and where my passion for childbirth all began.
I was pregnant with my second child and wasn’t satisfied with my first birth experience. Not because anything went tragically wrong, but because my instincts were telling me that it could have been a better experience. I had a 36 hour labour which finally ended with the delivery of a healthy 7lb, 12oz baby boy. The thing that troubled me about the birth was that it wasn’t an intimate family experience like I had hoped it would be and I felt so vulnerable about what was happening “to me”. Something in my heart knew this should be different. I struggled with the fact I had such a difficult time giving birth when pets and farm animals seem to have a much easier time!
When I became pregnant with my second child, I knew I wanted to find a more supportive health care provider to assist me with having a better experience. When I met the Briar Hill Midwives, their nurturing ways captivated me right away. I just knew I was on the road to a better experience having their support. When they asked me where I’d like to give birth, I adamantly stated “the hospital”.
As I continued on with my pregnancy, being the avid reader that I am, I would borrow books from the Midwive’s lending library on the topic of birthing. I also committed myself to attending childbirth classes AGAIN, but classes more conducive to a natural birth than the hospital-taught classes I had taken with my first baby.
By the time I reached my 8th month of pregnancy, I had read over a dozen books on “natural” childbirth. I realized things about my body and my personality that helped me understand why my first birth experience had happened the way it did. My midwives were surprised when I changed my mind when I adamantly stated “I’m having my baby at home!”. This made sense to me now because I had a better idea of what a labouring women needs and was empowered and confident in my body’s natural ability to give birth naturally.
When I delivered a healthy 8lb, 4oz baby boy as planned at home, I was forever changed. My self-image as a woman was so uplifted by this experience. I was proud to have birthed our baby in such a wonderful gentle way. The moment of his birth was absolutely precious beyond what I ever imagined. What made this possible? Knowledge – I had to educate myself and re-program my thinking from what I had “heard” to what “I knew in my heart made sense”.
From there, I just had to let it happen. Childbirth is an amazing natural process that works with precision – if you let it. It was after this that I became so passionate about telling all my friends and family that they CAN give birth naturally and it really isn’t something to fear at all.
4 ½ years later when I became pregnant again, I was excited and could hardly wait for the big day I would give birth again! (How many people say that?) This time, I attended childbirth classes with Rhonda Gordon. I was pretty confident I knew all I needed to know and was sitting through the classes as a “refresher”. Little did I know I still had so much to learn! Upon completion of the series, I was amazed by how much more knowledge I had acquired. I didn’t just feel prepared, I felt relaxed and ready to enjoy my next miracle! And that it was…..Cole was born 7lbs, 15oz. Again, in my home with the support of the people I love – in an intimate environment that made for a truly memorable experience.
It was after this that I made the decision to become a childbirth educator. If I can help couples have awesome experiences like I did, I am very fortunate! I am proud to be invited to contribute to one of the most precious moments in your life.
After over 17 years years of teaching, my passion has only grown. I have been fortunate enough to help hundreds of couples prepare for the births of their little ones and enjoy watching them accomplish their goals.
In addition to my passion for childbirth eduction, I am also a certified personal trainer and holistic nutritionist specializing in pre and post natal health & fitness and owner of Birth Supplies Canada, a Canada-wide online store selling Birth and Midwifery Medical supplies.
Warm regards,
Sue MacGregor, CPT, RHN
Founding Partner & Educator
Certified Personal Trainer & Registered Holistic Nutritionist
Natural Hospital Birth, Birthing Magazine July 15, 2011