March 29, 2011
Birth Partnership Midwives
Dr Mannefeldt
Hi Rhonda,
This is Sam. I am sitting next to Tiffany who is feeding our beautiful baby boy Rylan born March 29th at 5:12am. 7lbs 2oz by Vaginal Breech Delivery.
Well it was one hell of a ride. Tiff’s water broke at 4:40am on Monday. We went into the hospital and met up with our midwife, (who had called ahead and found out which Doctors were on at which Hospitals, and Rockyview it was), at around 6:30am as there were no contractions yet so there was no crazy rush. After being admitted it was a very long waiting game, but we had a great room in Rockyview, with a room with a tub, and room with a shower and toilet and a huge room with bed, couch and lots of room.
The contractions started a couple hours in but were very sporadic and not very intense. These lasted for a good 7hours or so, progressively getting more intense and a 5 minute gap started to appear.
The doc came in and examined Tiff, and she was only 1cm dilated but 90% effaced and at -1 station. So on we went, walking the halls with our new friend Carlos The IV Pole. Another 5 or so hours went by with the contractions starting to get closer. And another exam was done later in the evening when the new Doctor, Dr Mannefeldt, came on shift and she said that tiff was 2 to 3 cm dilated and at 0 station. So things were moving, just a little slowly. But Dr Mannefeldt said that she was trained Breech Delivery and was very willing to let Tiff Labour and she said “I will follow you to the end’.
The docs said they would come and check again in 4 hours time. Those 4 hours were pretty rough. The contractions were very intense but Tiff breathed through them all, and the 4 hours went passed. By the end Tiff was feeling that the pain was getting to be a little much. So after the docs had examined Tiff and found that in the 4 hours she had gone from 2 to 6cm, the choice of epidural was laid out. We discussed this and decided that Gas would be better just to take the edge off the pain and give Tiffany something to focus on.
She was rockin the contractions with the gas, and I was taking sneaky hits here and there. An our and a half went by and then Tiff was feeling like she needed to push, so the doc came in and checked her and she was passed 9cm with just the right side anterior lip showing. So they suggested that she have another half hour just to try and get that out the way. At this point Tiff asked for Fentanyl for that last 30 minutes. This also took away the pain a little with enabled Tiff to rest inbetween intense contractions, as 24 hours had gone by since the water broke.
The exam after 30 mins showed the lip was still protruding so with the next contraction the manually moved the lip away. Now we were ready to go.
The Midwife and I went and got scrubs on as one of the stipulations for the breech delivery was that we do it in the OR just incase. Tiff was given a deadline of an hour of pushing and after that a C-section was on the cards. All the nurses and were in the observation side of the glass as this was obviously uncommon and people need to be trained.
While getting ready to push they had the baby monitored, and he was doing great. 135 heart rate and ready to come out.
Tiff started pushing with the contraction and it took a couple of rounds of 3 to get things moving. But then a foot popped out, followed by another and a bum. Then he pooped like a champ inbetween the contraction. With the next one his arms and body came out, leaving his head in there. And with the next contraction Tiff pushed out his head and he was with us at 5:12am. All that was needed was 22 mins of pushing. He was cleaned up and checked out by the ‘Yellow Coats’ and then handed to me. Then tiff got some skin on skin time straight away while they waited for the Placenta. the placenta came out nice and quick too. We were able to get all the Cord Blood and Placenta things done aswell, which was awesome.
After Tiff got her little tears stitched up we went back to the labour room, and had the little man checked out. Then we went over to Postpartum ward and Tiff got breakfast and we hung out for a little while. Tiff went to a breastfeeding class at 9:30am while I went home to shower and drop off the Placenta and Cord Blood kit.
I came back at 11:00 ish and we all had a nap. At 4pm another one of our midwives came to check up on us, and discharged us at 5pm. We were home with our baby and our puppy by 7pm.